
An Argument

 It was the day.

It, my precious, was going to leave my arms for the journey that I did not look forward to seeing it embark on, that it, itself, would not like to embark on either, I guessed. I had no grounds to stop this from happening for I was the reason that it had to separate from myself.

It had been a few weeks since my sensitive nose started to swell, again, which triggered the mild yet unignorable headache. Jay, who had been bearing all my rant and negativity due to the headache for many days, finally came out with his prescription, or rather, procedures to cure my abominable headache (or maybe, to rescue himself).

It was another dinner talk when I was complaining about the lingering and irritating headache, as well as the uncomfortably swollen nose. He ate his food at a decent pace while looking at me grumbling how fretful I was about the headache - like all the other days. However, his response was different this time. Rather than advising me to take medicine or a nap when necessary, he put down his cutlery while there was still food on his plate and looked into my eyes with a pair of determined eyes.

“He shall be off,” he announced, looking at the creature in my arms.

Swallowing the remaining food in my mouth and holding it tightly in my arms as if it would vanish if I did not, I attempted to overturn his decision by repeating hundreds, if not thousands, of no - the most common word, but not so powerful in this case, for rejecting. I had been refusing this idea many times when he brought it up casually; my headache definitely had nothing to do with it, at least I believed. I took a deep breath to tune my tone and make myself sound reasonable after the weak protest, I insisted that it should stay and it should go nowhere. However, the turned-ruthless eyes, grim expression, and monotonous yet stern voice when Jay declared the statement this time suggested that it had no room for negotiation. He repeated the same statement once callously and continued eating his food as if he could not hear my protest, as if it was a usual dinner time as before.

The dinner after was in awkward silence and I could not help but beef over Jay’s merciless decision in my mind, thinking that he was jealous of it being cuter than him and that it could spend more time with me compared to him. However, to think about it thoroughly, Jay might be true - it would be possible that my headache was triggered by it and I should be able to get rid of the annoying headache if it was gone. With mixed feelings, I surrendered to Jay and accepted his decision right after we finished our dinner. Breathing a deep sigh as if he was relieved by my answer, Jay decided the day when we had to send it off.

It was the day.

Mercilessly, Jay took it from my arms and walked away firmly as if he were/was going to conduct an execution that was long overdue. My heart stopped for a second when it was taken

away from me and it took all my mental effort to calm myself down. I did not send it off; how would I have the mentality to send it off?

I heard the door was opened. I could not help but think about what would it feel and what would it face during the journey. It should be trembling when it stepped into the black hole; it should be trembling when the door was closed and the machine started to operate.

One hour later, the machine played a brisk ringtone, indicating that it had finished its job. I heard the door was opened again. Jay walked out of the house after and came back with a satisfying smile.

Thankfully, it was a sunny day. Waiting anxiously for hours, I went to the car porch where Jay hung it in an odd but efficient pose and brought it back into the house. It was as clean as a slate and as cute as it was as always after being showered under the scorching sunlight for hours. I was over the moon for having it back in my arms again, with a pleasing fragrance that would not trigger my headache.

“Told you. It is Gougou that caused you to have a headache,” Jay spoke complacently, inferring that he had made the correct prescription for my headache.

I guessed I would not have a headache for several months from now and the same procedure would happen all over again when the headache decided to visit me again, or, maybe, when Gougou was getting smelly again.

This is one of the writing exercises I did in an English writing session.

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