







经验分享 | 英国硕士课程申请过程、选校考量

The University of Sheffield的人文学科图书馆Western Bank Library

去年年中,某个午后,我突然想起了Chevening Scholarship和英国留学的想法。那时的我已步入职场一年半。也许是步入职场后发现到很多事情其实并没有那么恐怖和困难,也许是步入职场后自信心也提升了不少,也许是觉得应该把心里的那根刺儿拔出来。

于是我决定申请(录取率非常低,竞争非常大的)这份奖学金,碰一碰运气,看看能否就这样出去闯一闯,圆一圆这偶尔会冒出来的梦。当然,那时候给自己设下的预期其实很低——没录取的话,大不了继续工作攒钱,过我小富婆的生活,想买就买,想吃就吃!再加上提交申请后,我也可以从许多“What If”中解脱了。

由于Chevening Scholarship是独立的全额奖学金,因此奖学金申请和大学硕士课程申请是平行线进行的。亦即:(一)你获得这份奖学金,但是没有任何一所大学录取你,你仍无法到英国上大学;(二)你收到大学的录取信,但是奖学金申请落榜了,若你决定自己付费,你仍可以到英国升学。因此去年8月至10月,我都在筹备着奖学金申请和大学申请事宜。


  • 个人学历/申请背景
  • 申请时间线
  • 申请过程
  • 选校考量
  1. 文科出生,申请文科科系,全无面试过程。
  2. 一般申请过程,各大学官网、升学网以及YouTube皆已提供相应资讯。我只会拣我想说的重点,或是我当初找不到的资讯说。有任何问题,欢迎在这儿留言或是在社交媒体私信我。


Marry Yew

Some information that you might be interested in about our wedding.

Wedding package 婚纱配套 | Mimosa Wedding @ Sungai Petani, Butterworth

Wedding cake 结婚蛋糕 | Bread History @ Penang, Sungai Petani

Wedding caterer 餐点提供 | Nai&Co @ Sungai Petani

Wedding luncheon/dinner venue 宴客场地 | The Village Musical Restaurant @ Sungai Petani

Wedding bouquet/flowers 结婚花束 | Fiorei Florist @ Batu Kawan

Wedding biscuits 喜饼 | Sin Teo Hiang Biscuits 新潮香饼铺 @ Bukit Mertajam

Door gift 喜糖 | Misc



Reality is multi-faceted. Just like a coin has two sides, we will arrive at different conclusions if we look at the same thing from different perspectives. These are all realities.

I used to hate the country where I was born and raised. As I grew up and started to understand how the world works, the reasons that made me loathe this country piled up – inequalities, injustice, and corruption.


Success is not only about reaching the destination, but also about the growth of one when overcoming hardships along the journey. It may not be remarkable in your life, but when you look back on your journey, you will feel proud of yourself and feel glad that you have made it through.

An Argument

 It was the day.

It, my precious, was going to leave my arms for the journey that I did not look forward to seeing it embark on, that it, itself, would not like to embark on either, I guessed. I had no grounds to stop this from happening for I was the reason that it had to separate from myself.

It had been a few weeks since my sensitive nose started to swell, again, which triggered the mild yet unignorable headache. Jay, who had been bearing all my rant and negativity due to the headache for many days, finally came out with his prescription, or rather, procedures to cure my abominable headache (or maybe, to rescue himself).



“Will you marry me?” said he, kneeling in the middle of the master bedroom of our new and yet-to-be-furnished house, with a pair of shivering hands holding a pot of daisy plant where a few red daisies were blooming beautifully.

It was the night of the 24th of December. I was tying up my long hair and preparing to clean the room - the typical housekeeping mode - before this proposal occurred.